Live an Elegant life: Read a personal development book every month

Live an Elegant life: Read a personal development book every month

Three weeks ago, I have shared with you an blog post I found on the internet. It's called "Cultivate an Elegant Mind" from Art of Makeover. The author suggested 20 ways to develop an elegant mind to help us develop an elegant quality from the inside. I also challenged you all and myself to start with one or two to work on.
I have decided to read EAT THAT FROG by Brain Tracy. Have you read or heard of it?
The reason I share about being elegant inside and out is because Twirl In Pink is not just an online shop where you can find elegant jewelry for everyday wear and special occasions, it is also a community where we can grow together and try to live effortlessly and elegantly. By living an effortless and elegant life, we are happier, we are kinder, we are smarter, we have more confidence, and we are beautiful inside and out.

Hope you will join me in this journey and live an elegant life.
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