KATE SPADE is a brand which I really admire. I really love their elegant products, but I was always hesitant to buy one of their handbags because they were a bit out of my price range.
A few years ago, I saw a great deal on KATESPADE.com. The style was exactly what I wanted and the price was right, so I bought a little pink crossbody purse that I could use on dates with my husband. It felt great to wear a real purse again instead of a converted diaper bag.
When I opened the package, the purse was in a clear plastic bag. Nothing exciting. However, it had a postcard insert that got my attention.
36 things that bring Deborah Lloyd Joy
Deborah was the president and chief creative officer of Kate Spade. She listed 36 things that bring her joy.
This got me thinking about what brings me joy in my life. These things can be tangible, like sentimental objects, or intangible, like events or trips.
Joy is essential to progression and success. When times get tough, I know that thinking about things that make you happy and counting your blessings will lift your spirits and help you feel motivated. May we find joy in our daily life and live elegantly.
Click here to get your free PDF to create your own list of things that bring you joy (one for each week of the year).