Live an Elegant Life Blog
Live an Elegant Life: You are a great teacher
If you were a teacher, what grade would you like to teach? Ok, story time. I wanted to be a teacher when I was a teenager. I had a lot of...
Live an Elegant Life: You are a great teacher
If you were a teacher, what grade would you like to teach? Ok, story time. I wanted to be a teacher when I was a teenager. I had a lot of...
Live an Elegant Life: House Rules
Do you have house rules? Couple years ago, I put up a sign to remind myself andmy family what we needed to do to have a lovelyhome. With holidays and...
Live an Elegant Life: House Rules
Do you have house rules? Couple years ago, I put up a sign to remind myself andmy family what we needed to do to have a lovelyhome. With holidays and...
Live an Elegant Life: Dream Big
DREAM BIG OR NOT DREAM AT ALL Let me tell you how we got a sailboat for free last year. My husband worked from home since the beginning of last March....
Live an Elegant Life: Dream Big
DREAM BIG OR NOT DREAM AT ALL Let me tell you how we got a sailboat for free last year. My husband worked from home since the beginning of last March....
Live an Elegant Life: Eat Well on A Budget
I LOVE TO EAT I am known in my family who loves to eat. I would leave the table until I was absolutely full, and never gained weights. My parents felt...
Live an Elegant Life: Eat Well on A Budget
I LOVE TO EAT I am known in my family who loves to eat. I would leave the table until I was absolutely full, and never gained weights. My parents felt...
Live an Elegant Life: Love your own skin
I couldn't believe it! Couple years ago, I was talking to my American friends. We were talking about random things and somehow we talked about skin colors. This was the conversation....
Live an Elegant Life: Love your own skin
I couldn't believe it! Couple years ago, I was talking to my American friends. We were talking about random things and somehow we talked about skin colors. This was the conversation....
Live an Elegant life: Humor
I have a joke for you! Would February March? No. April May. Laughter is the best medicine. I believe it 100%. According to Mayo Clinic, a good laugh can have some...
Live an Elegant life: Humor
I have a joke for you! Would February March? No. April May. Laughter is the best medicine. I believe it 100%. According to Mayo Clinic, a good laugh can have some...